Upgrade/Release notes
The Preside team use Semantic Versioning for their release versions. Our version numbers look like this: MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH
. Where:
- MAJOR means a version when we make incompatible API changes
- MINOR means a version when we add functionality in a backward compatible manner
- PATCH means a version when we make backward compatible bug fixes
It is worth noting, that we have NEVER made a MAJOR release. Backward compatibility is very important to us. If and when we DO create a new release, it will be for really good reasons and we'll STILL be considering compatibility with the utmost effort.
We release minor versions with relative frequency, currently around 8 releases a year. You will find upgrade notes between minor versions in this chapter.
We release patch versions very frequently - once we have validated bugfixes, we don't tend to hang around to release them. Release notes for every minor and patch release can be found on the Preside website: https://www.preside.org/developers/release-notes.html
General upgrade guides
Individual upgrade guides
Note: If you are updating over multiple major versions, e.g. from 10.6.x
to 10.8.x
, you should read the upgrade notes for each release in between.
- Upgrade notes for 10.26 -> 10.27
- Upgrade notes for 10.24 -> 10.25
- Upgrade notes for 10.23 -> 10.24
- Upgrade notes for 10.22 -> 10.23
- Upgrade notes for 10.21 -> 10.22
- Upgrade notes for 10.20 -> 10.21
- Upgrade notes for 10.19 -> 10.20
- Upgrade notes for 10.18 -> 10.19
- Upgrade notes for 10.17 -> 10.18
- Upgrade notes for 10.16 -> 10.17
- Upgrade notes for 10.15 -> 10.16
- Upgrade notes for 10.14 -> 10.15
- Upgrade notes for 10.13 -> 10.14
- Upgrade notes for 10.12 -> 10.13
- Upgrade notes for 10.11 -> 10.12
- Upgrade notes for 10.10 -> 10.11
- Upgrade notes for 10.9 -> 10.10
- Upgrade notes for 10.8 -> 10.9
- Upgrade notes for 10.7 -> 10.8
- Upgrade notes for 10.6 -> 10.7