Admin development environment banner header


As of Preside 10.27, you are able to have the admin user interface display a banner showing the working environment (i.e. staging vs production).

Configuring the banner

In Config.cfc, you are able to configure whether or not the banner shows + configure an icon, alert class + optionally configure a specific message to display:

settings.environmentMessage = "Some message to display"; // default is empty, using i18n approach as detailed below
settings.environmentBannerConfig = {
    icon     = "fa-code"
  , cssClass = "alert-info"
  , display  = true

Using this approach, you can use Coldbox environments system to provide different configuration for different environments. i.e. Have "local", and "staging" environment configurations by using corresponding methods in your Config.cfc:

function local() {

  settings.environmentBannerConfig = { display=false };

function staging() {
  settings.environmentBannerConfig = { display=true, icon="fa-code", cssClass="alert-warning" };
  // ...

Using i18n for the message

If you leave settings.environmentMessage empty, then you can use i18n to specify the message. The key for the i18n resource will be: cms:environment.#environment#.label, where environment is the coldbox environment. So in /i18n/, you could have:

environment.staging.label=This is the staging environment is the dev environment