Data Manager customization: multiRecordAction

Data Manager customization: multiRecordAction

The multiRecordAction customization allows you customize the processing of a multi row action submission from the listing screen. It is not expected to return a value. However, if it processes the request and does not want any further core processing to take place, it must redirect the user to a success page (i.e. send the user back to the listing page and add a success message). It recieves the following in the args struct:

  • objectName: The name of the object
  • action: the name of the action that was performed (the button/link selected in the listing screen)
  • ids: an array of record IDs that the action should be performed on (empty if batchAll is true)
  • batchAll: as of 10.16.0, a boolean flag to indicate that the user picked the "Select all records matching the current filter"
  • batchSrcArgs: as of 10.16.0, a struct of args that were used in a selectData call to fetch the records using the current datatable filters. Only needed when batchAll is true

See also:

For example:

// /application/handlers/admin/datamanager/GlobalDefaults.cfc
component {

    property name="myCustomArchiveService" inject="myCustomArchiveService";
    property name="batchOperationService"  inject="datamanagerBatchOperationService";
    property name="threadUtil"             inject="threadUtil";
    property name="messageBox"             inject="messagebox@cbmessagebox";

    private array function multiRecordAction( event, rc, prc, args={} ) {
        var objectName   = args.objectName ?: "";
        var action       = args.action     ?: "";
        var ids          = args.ids        ?: [];
        var batchAll     = IsTrue( args.batchAll ?: "" );
        var batchSrcArgs = args.batchSrcArgs ?: {};

        if ( args.action == "archive" ) {
            if ( !batchAll ) {
                myCustomArchiveService.archiveRecords( objectName=objectName, ids=ids );
       "Archive success message here.." );
                setNextEvent( url=event.buildAdminLink( objectName=objectName ) );               

            // batch all, let's do in a bg thread
            // first, queue the batch operation using the "batchSrcArgs"
            var queueId = batchOperationService.queueBatchOperation( objectName, batchSrcArgs );

            // next, create adhoc task
            var taskId = createTask(
                  event                = "admin.datamanager.globaldefaults.batchArchiveInBgThread"
                , runNow               = true
                , adminOwner           = event.getAdminUserId()
                , title                = "cms:datamanager.batcharchive.task.title"
                , returnUrl            = event.buildAdminLink( objectName=objectName, operation="listing" )
                , discardAfterInterval = CreateTimeSpan( 0, 0, 5, 0 )
                , args       = {
                      objectName   = objectName
                    , batchQueueId = queueId

            // finally, redirect to the task progress screen to allow user to watch progress
            setNextEvent( url=event.buildAdminLink(
                  linkTo      = "adhoctaskmanager.progress"
                , queryString = "taskId=" & taskId
            ) );

        // otherwise, do nothing, core will process the multi action
        // submission

     * Implementation of background thread batch archive using batch operation queue
    private boolean function batchArchiveInBgThread( event, rc, prc, args={}, logger, progress ) {
        var objectName        = args.objectName ?: "";
        var queueId           = args.batchQueueId ?: "";
        var canLog            = StructkeyExists( arguments, "logger" );
        var canInfo           = canLog && arguments.logger.canInfo();
        var canWarn           = canLog && arguments.logger.canWarn();
        var canReportProgress = StructKeyExists( arguments, "progress" );
        var queueSize         = canReportProgress ? batchOperationService.getBatchOperationQueueSize( queueId ) : 0;
        var processed         = 0;
        var ids               = [];
        do {
            ids = batchOperationService.getNextBatchRecordsFromQueue(
                  queueId          = queueId
                , maxRows          = 100  // default
                , clearImmediately = true // default

            if ( !ArrayLen( ids ) ) {

            if ( threadUtil.isInterrupted() ) {
                batchOperationService.clearBatchOperationQueue( queueId );
                if ( canWarn ) {
                    arguments.logger.warn( "Batch operation was cancelled or interrupted. Safely quitting..." );
                return false;

            myCustomArchiveService.archiveRecords( objectName=objectName, ids=ids );

            if ( canReportProgress ) {
                processed += ArrayLen( ids );
                arguments.progress.setProgress( Int( ( 100 / queueSize ) * processed ) );

            if ( canInfo ) {
       "Archived [#ArrayLen( ids )#] records. Next..." );

        } while( ArrayLen( ids ) == 100 )
        return true;
