Data Manager customization: listingMultiActions

Data Manager customization: listingMultiActions

The listingMultiActions customization allows you to completely override the buttons that appear when a user selects multiple rows in a regular listing table. It should return a string containing the rendered buttons.

Note: the buttons that appear here rely on some javascript to turn into something useful for the subsequent request. Each button should be of type submit and have a unique name that will be sent to the next request as the value of rc.multiAction. Customize in conjunction with the multiRecordAction customization that can process the result.

See also: getListingMultiActions and getExtraListingMultiActions.

For example:

// /application/handlers/admin/datamanager/GlobalDefaults.cfc
component {

	private string function listingMultiActions( event, rc, prc, args={} ) {
		return renderView( view="/admin/datamanager/_myCustomMultiActions", args=args );

<!--- /application/views/admin/datamanager/_myCustomMultiActions.cfm --->

	<button class="btn btn-danger confirmation-prompt" type="submit" name="delete" disabled="disabled" data-global-key="d" title="Archive the selected entities">
			<i class="fa fa-trash-o bigger-110"></i>
			Archive selected entities