Data Manager customization: extraTopRightButtons

Data Manager customization: extraTopRightButtons

The extraTopRightButtons customization allows you to run additional button logic for all data manager pages. For example, you may wish to always add a 'reports' button. It is expected not to return a value and receives the following in the args struct:

  • objectName: The name of the object
  • action: the current coldbox action, e.g. editRecord, viewRecord, `
  • actions: the array of button "actions"

Modifying args.actions is required to make changes to the top right buttons.


See Reference: Data Manager top right buttons array for detailed documentation on the format of the action items.

For example:

// /application/handlers/admin/datamanager/blog.cfc

component {

	private void function extraTopRightButtons( event, rc, prc, args={} ) {
		var action = args.action ?: "";
		var actionsWithButtons = [ "editRecord", "viewRecord" ];

		if ( actionsWithButtons.findNoCase( action ) ) {
			args.actions = args.actions ?: [];
				  link      = event.buildAdminLink( objectName="blog", operation="reports" )
				, btnClass  = "btn-default"
				, iconClass = "fa-bar-chart"
				, globalKey = "r"
				, title     = translateResource( "" )
			} );
