Form control: Filter picker

The filterPicker control is an object picker with custom options and interface specific to rules engine filters.


You can use any arguments that can be used with the object picker. In addition, the control accepts the following attributes:

filterObject (required) The target object for the filter
rulesEngineContextData (optional) Struct of data that will be passed to all filter field configuration forms in the quick add / edit filter builder. This allows you to limit choices on fields when creating dynamic filters within specific contexts. As this is a stuct, it can only be injected using `additionalArgs` argument to renderForm().
preSavedFilters (optional) For use with the quick add/edit filter builders. A list of saved filters that will be used additionally filter the "filter count" shown in the filter builder.
preRulesEngineFilters (optional) For use with the quick add/edit filter builders. A list of saved rules engine filter IDs that will be used additionally filter the "filter count" shown in the filter builder.

expects a single required option, filterObject indicating the object that selected / added filters should apply to.


<field name="optional_filters" control="filterPicker" filterObject="news" multiple="true" sortable="true"  />