

public struct function getForm(
      required string  formName               
    ,          boolean autoMergeSiteForm       = true
    ,          boolean stripPermissionedFields = false
    ,          string  permissionContext       = ""
    ,          array   permissionContextKeys  

Returns the raw structural definition of the given form


formNamestringYesThe name of the form to get
autoMergeSiteFormbooleanNo (default=true)Whether or not to automatically merge any matching form definitions in the current active site template
stripPermissionedFieldsbooleanNo (default=false)Whether or not to strip tabs, fieldsets and fields to which the logged in admin user does not have permission
permissionContextstringNo (default="")When checking for permissioned fields, the permission context to use. See hasPermission().
permissionContextKeysarrayNoWhen checking for permissioned fields, the permission context keys to use. See hasPermission().