Preside form controls

Preside form controls

Form controls are named viewlets that are used for rendering form fields with the Preside forms system. All form controls are implemented as viewlets whose path follows the convention formcontrols.{nameofcontrol}.{renderercontext}.

For a full reference list of core form controls, see System form controls.

Renderer context

The renderer context is a string value passed to the renderForm() method (see Rendering Preside form definitions). The purpose of this is to allow form controls to have different viewlets for different contexts; i.e. an "admin" context for rendering controls in the admin vs a "website" context for rendering controls in the front end of your application.

At a bare minimum, form controls should implement a default "index" context for when there is no special renderer for specific contexts passed to renderForm().


The args struct passed to your form control's viewlet will be a combination of:

  • All attributes defined on the associated form field definition
  • A defaultValue string that will be either the previously saved value for the field if there is one, or the value of the default attribute set on the field definition
  • An error string, populated if there are validation errors
  • A savedData structure representing any saved data for the entire form
  • A layout string that contains the viewlet that will be used to render the layout around the form control (this viewlet will usually take care of error messages and field labels, etc. see Rendering Preside form definitions)


Simple textinput

A simple 'textinput' form control implemented as just a view (a viewlet without a handler) and with just a default "index" context:

<!-- /views/formcontrols/textinput/index.cfm -->
	inputName    =         ?: "";
	inputId      =           ?: "";
	inputClass   = args.class        ?: "";
	defaultValue = args.defaultValue ?: "";
	placeholder  = args.placeholder  ?: "";
	placeholder  = HtmlEditFormat( translateResource( uri=placeholder, defaultValue=placeholder ) );

	value  = event.getValue( name=inputName, defaultValue=defaultValue );
	if ( not IsSimpleValue( value ) ) {
		value = "";

	value = HtmlEditFormat( value );

	<input type="text" id="#inputId#" placeholder="#placeholder#" name="#inputName#" value="#value#" class="#inputClass# form-control" tabindex="#getNextTabIndex()#">

Select with custom datasource

This example uses a handler based viewlet to retrieve data from a service with which to populate the standard select form control. The form control name is derivativePicker:

// /handlers/formcontrols/DerivativePicker.cfc
component {
	property name="assetManagerService"  inject="assetManagerService";

	public string function index( event, rc, prc, args={} ) {
		var derivatives = assetManagerService.listEditorDerivatives();

		if ( !derivatives.len() ) {
		    return ""; // do not render the control at all if no derivatives

		// translate derivatives into labels and values for select control
		// including default 'none' derivative for picker
		args.labels       = [ translateResource( "derivatives:none.title" ) ];
		args.values       = [ "none" ];
		args.extraClasses = "derivative-select-option";

		for( var derivative in derivatives ) {
			args.values.append( derivative );
			args.labels.append( translateResource( uri="derivatives:#derivative#.title", defaultValue="derivatives:#derivative#.title" ) );

		// render default select control using labels and values
		// calculated above
		return renderView( view="formcontrols/select/index", args=args );