Data Manager customization: preAddRecordAction

Data Manager customization: preAddRecordAction

The preAddRecordAction customization allows you to run logic before the core Data Manager add record logic is run. It is not expected to return a value and is supplied the following in the args struct:

  • objectName: name of the object
  • formData: struct containing the form submission

For example:

// /application/handlers/admin/datamanager/blog.cfc

component {

	property name="blogService" inject="blogService";

	private void function preAddRecordAction( event, rc, prc, args={} ) {
		var formName = "";
		var formData = event.getDataForForm( formName );

		rc.clearance_level = blogService.calculateClearanceLevel( argumentCollection=formData );

See also: postAddRecordAction and addRecordAction.