Data Manager customization: getAdditionalQueryStringForBuildAjaxListingLink

Data Manager customization: getAdditionalQueryStringForBuildAjaxListingLink

The getAdditionalQueryStringForBuildAjaxListingLink customization allows you to supply extra query string parameters to the AJAX URL endpoint that fetches records for an object's record listing screen. It must return a string representing the additional query string parameters and takes the objectName in the args struct.

You may wish to do this so that you can provide extra filters on the results using the preFetchRecordsForGridListing customization, for example.


// /application/handlers/admin/datamanager/blog_post.cfc
component {

	// this is run when building the ajax link, i.e. in the main
	// request for the listing page
	private string function getAdditionalQueryStringForBuildAjaxListingLink( event, rc, prc, args={} ) {
		// category here could have been placed in the URL
		// by a category drop down button, for example
		var category = rc.category ?: "";

		return "category=#category#";

	// this is run during the ajax fetch of records
	private void function preFetchRecordsForGridListing( event, rc, prc, args={} ) {
		var category = rc.category ?: "";

		if ( !IsEmpty( category ) ) {
			args.extraFilters = args.extraFilters ?: [];
			args.extraFilters.append( { filter={ category=category } } );		

