Data Manager customization: getRecordDeletionPromptMatch

Data Manager customization: getRecordDeletionPromptMatch

As of Preside 10.16.0, the getRecordDeletionPromptMatch customization allows you to supply dynamic runtime confirmation match text for the delete prompt. For example, you may want to ask users to type in the name record they are deleting to confirm deletion.

Screenshot of a delete record prompt


The method receives args.record - a struct containing details of the record that the user may delete.


// /application/handlers/admin/datamanager/blog.cfc

component {

	property name="blogService" inject="blogService";

	private void function getRecordDeletionPromptMatch( event, rc, prc, args={} ) {
		return args.record.label ?: "delete";

See also: Customizing the delete record prompt and match text