Data Manager customization: buildEditRecordLink

Data Manager customization: buildEditRecordLink

The buildEditRecordLink customization allows you to customize the URL for viewing an object's edit form. It is expected to return the URL as a string and is provided the objectName and recordId in the args struct along with any other arguments passed to event.buildAdminLink(). In addition, it may also be given resultAction and version keys in the args struct.

// /application/handlers/admin/datamanager/blog.cfc

component {

	private string function buildEditRecordLink( event, rc, prc, args={} ) {
		var recordId    = args.recordId ?: "";
		var version     = Val( args.version ?: "" );
		var qs          = "id=" & recordId;

		if ( version ) {
			qs &= "&version=" & version;

		if ( Len( Trim( args.queryString ?: "" ) ) {
			qs &= "&" & args.queryString;

		return event.buildAdminLink( linkto="admin.blogmanager.editrecord", queryString=qs );
