Reference: Data Manager action buttons array for add and edit forms

Reference: Data Manager action buttons array for add and edit forms

The add and edit record forms allow you modify the action button set that appear beneath the form. These modififications expect to either return an array of structs and/or strings, or are passed this array of structs/strings for modification / appending to.


Each "action" struct can/must have the following keys:

  • type (required): Must be either 'link' or 'button'
  • label (required): Label to show on the button
  • href (optional): Required when type=link - href of the link
  • name (optional): For type=button only. Name of the field that is sent with the form submission.
  • value (optional): For type=button only. Value of the field that is sent with the form submission.
  • class (optional): Twitter bootstrap button class for the button. e.g. btn-info, btn-warning, btn-success, btn-danger, etc.
  • iconClass (optional): Font awesome icon class to use. Icon will be displayed before the label on the button.
  • globalKey (optional): Global keyboard key shortcut for the button.


Note: alternatively, a button in the array can be a fully rendered string representing the button (should you require something a bit different)


A link button

      type      = "link"
    , href      = event.buildAdminLink( objectName=objectName, operation="preview" )
    , class     = "btn-info"
    , label     = translateResource( "" )
    , iconClass = "fa-eye"

A regular button:

      type      = "button"
    , name      = "_postAction"
    , value     = "saveDraftAndPreview"
    , class     = "btn-info"
    , label     = translateResource( "" )
    , iconClass = "fa-eye"