Data Manager Basics


This page will take you through the basic default set up and configuration of Data Manager for a Preside data object. By the end of this guide, you should be comfortable creating a basic admin CRUD interface for an object within the main Data Manager user interface.

Data Manager homepage

The Data Manager homepage in the Preside administrator displays all of the objects in the system that have been configured to display within Data Manager. Objects are organised into groups and are searchable (by object name). Clicking on an object will take you into that object's listing screen.

Screenshot showing example of a Data Manager object listing screen

Get your object listed in the Data Manager homepage

In order for your object to appear in the Data Manager homepage, your .cfc file must be annotated with the @datamanagerGroup annotation. For example:

// /application/preside-objects/author.cfc

 * @datamanagerGroup blog
 * @labelfield       name
component {
	property name="name" type="string" dbtype="varchar" maxlength="200" required=true uniqueindexes="name";

That is all there is to it. You now how a full CRUD interface for your object. However, you probably want to make things a little more user friendly with regards to human readable and translatable labels; see below.

Translatable and human readable labels

Each Preside Object should have a corresponding .properties file that will provide title, description, optional icon class and entries for each field in your object. The file must live at: /i18n/preside-objects/ For example:

# /application/i18n/preside-objects/
description=Authors of blog posts
iconclass=fa-user Name

Translate title base on context

As 10.12, context had introduced to Preside Object title properties. Object listing view is using listing context, you able to have different field label in the listing table by adding field.{field_name}.listing.title. For example:

field.product_id.title=Product ID

You also able to add help text for the listing table. For example: ID

Screenshot showing example of a Data Manager object listing screen with overwrite label


See Preside form definitions and i18n for more conventions for field names, placeholders, help, etc.

Each Data Manager group should also have a corresponding .properties file at /i18n/preside-objects/groups/ For our blog example:

# /application/i18n/preside-objects/groups/
description=Data related to blogs

Basic customizations for the listing grid

There are four basic customizations that can be achieved with simple annotations on your preside object .cfc file:

  1. Change the fields that are displayed in the table
  2. Change the default sort order of records
  3. Change the sortable fields in the table
  4. Change the fields that are searchable

In addition, limiting the operations that are allowed on an object will affect the actions that appear on each row (see Limiting operations, below).

To specify a non-default list of fields to display in the table, use the @datamanagerGridFields annotation.

To specify a default sort order for the table, use the @datamanagerDefaultSortOrder annotation.

To specify a non-default list of fields to sortable in the table, use the @datamanagerSortableFields annotation.

To specify a non-default list of fields that are searchable in the table, use the @datamanagerSearchFields annotation.

For example:

// /application/preside-objects/author.cfc

 * @labelfield                  name
 * @datamanagerGroup            blog
 * @datamanagerGridFields       name,post_count,datemodified
 * @datamanagerSortableFields   name,post_count
 * @datamanagerSearchFields     name,posts.title
 * @datamanagerDefaultSortOrder post_count desc
component {
	property name="name" type="string" dbtype="varchar" maxlength="200" required=true uniqueindexes="name";
	property name="posts" relationship="one-to-many" relatedto="blog_post" relationshipkey="blog_author";
	property name="post_count" type="numeric" formula="Count( ${prefix} )";

Having record viewed in a modal popup


As of 10.26.67 and 10.27.34

You are able to specify that clicking the eye icon (view record) link in a grid listing results in a modal/popover view of the record rather than showing in a new page. This is great for records that have little value in navigating to view and where it makes sense to remain focused on the grid listing.

To enable this behaviour for your object, use the annotation @datamanagerModalView true. e.g.

// /application/preside-objects/log_detail.cfc

 * @datamanagerEnabled           true
 * @datamanagerAllowedOperations view
 * @datamanagerModalView         true
component {
	// ... etc.

Customizing the listing grid header label

There is a listing context available when translate property name for listing grid header.

To specify a label for listing grid, add field.{your_field}.listing.title=Listing label in corresponding object i18n file.

Optional tooltip can be added to listing grid header field, add field.{your_field} label help in corresponding object i18n file.

Customizing the add / edit record forms

The Data Manager uses convention-based form names to build add and edit forms for your object. Prior to 10.9.0, these were:

  • Add form: /forms/preside-objects/objectname/admin.add.xml
  • Edit form: /forms/preside-objects/objectname/admin.edit.xml

As of Preside 10.9.0, you are also able to create a single form that will be used as both add and edit:

  • Default form: /forms/preside-objects/objectname.xml

If you do not supply any form .xml definitions at all, the system will build a default form based on the .cfc definition. In many cases, particularly for simple objects, this will suffice.

Any Preside object forms that are defined beneath /forms/preside-objects will have a default i18n base URI of preside-objects.objectname:. This means that you can define all your convention based form field, tab and fieldset labels for your forms in your preside object's .properties file. See See Preside form definitions and i18n for more information on form labeling conventions.


See Forms system for full documentation on Preside's forms system.

Versioning & Drafts

By default, preside objects are versioned (this can be turned off per object by adding the @versioned false annotation on the .cfc file. All versioned objects will automatically get a versioning user interface within Data Manager. In addition, you can turn on drafts capability for your versioned objects by adding the @datamanagerAllowDrafts annotation to your object, for example:

// /application/preside-objects/author.cfc

 * @labelfield                  name
 * @datamanagerGroup            blog
 * @datamanagerGridFields       name,post_count,datemodified
 * @datamanagerSearchFields     name,posts.title
 * @datamanagerDefaultSortOrder post_count desc
 * @datamanagerAllowDrafts      true
component {
	property name="name" type="string" dbtype="varchar" maxlength="200" required=true uniqueindexes="name";
	property name="posts" relationship="one-to-many" relatedto="blog_post" relationshipkey="blog_author";
	property name="post_count" type="numeric" formula="Count( ${prefix} )";

Limiting operations

The system defines eight core "operations" that can be "performed" on any given object record:

  1. read: view an individual record in the view record screen
  2. add: add new records
  3. edit: edit records
  4. batchedit: batch edit records (as of 10.12.0)
  5. delete: delete a record
  6. batchdelete: batch delete records (as of 10.12.0)
  7. clone: clones a record (as of 10.10.0)
  8. viewversions: view version history for a record

All operations are enabled by default. To limit the operations that are allowed for an object, use either the @datamanagerAllowedOperations or @datamanagerDisallowedOperationsannotations, supplying a comma separated list without spaces of the operations that are allowed/disallowed. For example, we could disable deleting and the view screen for our blog authors with:

// /application/preside-objects/author.cfc

 * @labelfield                      name
 * @datamanagerGroup                blog
 * @datamanagerDisallowedOperations delete,read
component {
	property name="name" type="string" dbtype="varchar" maxlength="200" required=true uniqueindexes="name";

Allowing records to be translated

The Data Manager comes with a basic user interface to allow translation of records. See Multilingual content for how configure this feature and enable this per object.

Displaying records in a tree view


This feature is available since version 10.9.0

For hierarchical data, you can choose to show the listing screen as a tree by using the following attributes on your object:

  • @datamanagerTreeView: True / false - whether or not to use tree view
  • @datamanagerTreeParentProperty: The self referencing foreign key property that creates the hierarchical relationship
  • @datamanagerTreeSortOrder: What field(s) to sort on when displaying the children of a node

For example:

// /application/preside-objects/article.cfc

 * @labelfield                    title
 * @datamanagerTreeView           true
 * @datamanagerTreeParentProperty parent_article
 * @datamanagerTreeSortOrder      title
component {
	property name="parent_article" relationship="many-to-one" relatedto="article";

	property name="title" type="string" dbtype="varchar" maxlength=100 required=true;
	property name="body"  type="string" dbtype="text";